A Debt Collector's Guide to Dealing with Negativity

Posted by Ryan Howard


Negativity can have an impact on everything from health to family life. In certain professions, like debt collection, negative emotions can run rampant. No one likes to get a call from a debt collector. Stress, frustration and certainly financial problems can add up to an unpleasant conversation. Dealing with negativity means trying to find support and balance whenever possible. 

Here are tips from the pros (trust us) on how to keep your chin up. 

In the Workplace

When your job is to speak with people in stressful situations, you must do whatever possible to find support in your workplace. Some of these things are up to your employer, obviously, but there are still things you can do too.

  • Company Culture - Your employer environment can greatly affect how you feel. When you and your co-workers are all feeling the frustration of your jobs, a comfortable and accepting company culture lessens the negative effects. Look to see if your employer has a place to wind down with coworkers or take a walk. Maintain and nurture supportive relationships with your managers and coworkers.
  • Your Desk - You can create a soothing atmosphere right at your desk. Keep on hand photos of family, friends or pets that make you smile. Handheld games like Rubik's cubes or puzzles can also be good for taking a brain break.
  • Your Coworkers - We spend more time with our coworkers than our family so it's important to nurture your tribe of positivity. Vent to your coworkers and be a good listener. Then help each other recover with laughs and great conversation. 

In Your Home

Even though you may be doing your best to reduce negativity and stress at work, you may be unwittingly bringing it home with you. In order to drop it at the door, you can create a welcoming place in your home to lift your spirits.

  • Your living area - Your living area can offer more than just a place to veg in front of the TV. Create a place where you can also visit with family to connect and talk about your day. Build a reading nook to settle down with a good book. Adult coloring books are a great way to relax.
  • Your kitchen - Get creative with recipes and cookbooks in your kitchen. Some right-brained activity helps balance out the nerves. Plan your weekly meals on the weekend so your weekday evening meals are set. Stock up on fruits and vegetables that are easily accessible.
  • Your bedroom - High quality sleep is one of the most helpful ways to wake up in a positive mood. Spend the money on great bedding and pillows that you can sink into at bedtime. Turn off electronics (that TV too) an hour before bed. Dim your lights, turn on a lamp, light candles, take a hot bath or develop a nighttime routine that is sure to help you relax at the end of the day.
  • Your patio or yard - Being outside is great for nurturing your spirit. If you can, work in your garden or sit outside under the stars. Create an inviting oasis that beckons you to chill out.

In your Life

Reducing negativity in your life begins with you. Recognize the effects of frustration and stress by taking note of the following:

  • Do you find yourself overeating at work or at the end of the day?
  • Are you so exhausted when you get home from work that you hit the couch and stay there?
  • Are your family or friends expecting you to be irritated or snappy when you get home from work?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, you may need to make some changes in order to reduce the effects of negativity. The first step is awareness.

  • If you're overeating, plan healthy meals and snacks for work. Sugar containing drinks, especially sodas, may be increasing the jitters at work or causing your blood sugar levels to rise and crash. During a sugar crash, you will naturally crave more sugar. Enjoy slow digesting carbohydrates and healthy fats to keep the blood sugar (and the nerves) in check.
  • If you're feeling exhausted, increase your exercise. Plan your workouts before work, if possible. Make time to get outside during your work day to get some fresh air or be in nature. The more you move, the stronger your resilience to bad vibes.
  • Irritated? Maybe it's time to incorporate some yoga, meditation or other activities to restore your spirit. You don't have to go to a studio to sit quietly and ease your mind. YouTube offers beautiful meditation videos that you can watch right from your desk. Set aside game nights or other activities to reconnect with family and friends. If you have a planned night of fun, it will keep the negativity in check.

Pass on the Negativity 

If your job is to talk on the phone or otherwise work with customers who may be feeling negative, don't be surprised if it rubs off on you. Recognize, however, that if someone gives it to you, you may be giving it to the next person you talk to. In order to be effective at your job, you have to do what you can to rebound. A negative attitude from you could spiral the interaction into something even worse. Be proactive by following the steps outlined above. Vent and create good relationships at work. And most importantly, don't take it personally if the person you're speaking to is angry. As a debt collector, our job is in the middle of an already stressful situation. Find a way to lighten your mood before you pick up the phone.

At BYL Collections, we work together as a team to create an environment of mutual respect, honesty and integrity. We do our best to stay energized and healthy, positive and knowledgeable so we can offer a kind, helpful attitude to those we encounter. We treat others the way we want to be treated.

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