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How to Collect From Slow-Paying Customers

There could be any number of legitimate reasons your customers aren't paying their bills on time. They may not have received the bill. They could be dealing with an overwhelming amount of debt and shame. Or they may be in the habit of paying after...

4 Reasons to Stay on top of Accounts Receivable

When starting and growing a business, it's easy to get caught up in activities such as research, development, sales, customer service, and more. Cash management may be overlooked unless you start to feel it where it hurts. A steady and dependable...

Disaster Recovery for Small Business Accounting

With the recent hurricanes and wildfires, CNBC reported from FEMA that 40% of small businesses never reopen after a disaster. In fact, a CNBC and SurveyMonkey survey found that most small businesses owners do not consider the environment as a...

DRTV: Infomercials need Collections too

Turn on the TV in the middle of the night or any time on certain channels and you'll see an infomercial touting everything from the latest fitness craze to the best gadgets for your kitchen. Known in the industry as Direct Response TV (a form of...

Recovering lost payments: Ask for it all, negotiate later

In order to continue growing your business, whether that's investing, moving to a larger office or hiring employees, your accounts receivables must function effectively. Your A/R team is most effective when invoicing regularly, collecting payments...

How to Increase your Startup's Appeal to VC's

Venture capitalists receive hundreds of emails from passionate entrepreneurs ready to discuss their latest startup idea. If you manage to secure a call or a meeting, you still have to convince a sharp investor that your idea is viable and worth...